We are building this site for you, the fans. So we want to hear from you.

Do you love tennis? Do you like to write? Do you just have an opinion on something? Or had a tennis experience you’d like to share?

Whatever it is, please get in touch with us, and we’d love to have you published here.

Contact: admin@thetennissite.com

Looking for something to write about? Let us give you some ideas…..

  • News – write about recent tennis news
  • Tournament previews/reviews
  • Players – write about your favourite player
  • Experiences – been to a tournament? Give us a review of it. Met a player? Tell us your experience.
  • Reviews – Read a tennis book? Watched a tennis doco/movie? Give us your personal opinion of it.
  • Technical – If you know your tennis from a technical standpoint, explain it to other fans by writing about it.
  • Tactical – Likewise, if tactics are your thing, share it with the world
  • Match reports – Watched a match? Write about it.
  • ATP/WTA/ITF – Whatever the level, we want to hear about it

As you can see, there are endless topics to write about in the world of tennis. Send us something, or get in touch with us with your ideas.

Are you a player/coach yourself? If you are, and you have some opinions or stories, please share them with the fans. We would love to hear them.

Contact: admin@thetennissite.com
